

昭和4年5月 故玉井周吉が中外商船株式会社を設立。
昭和7年3月 同人により玉井商船株式会社が設立され後に中外商船を吸収合併
昭和34年8月 日本軽金属株式会社とボーキサイト輸送に関し業務提携を行った。
昭和39年4月 海運企業整備法のもとに山下新日本汽船株式会社を中核とする海運集約グループに参加。
昭和53年5月 リベリア国に海外子会社T.S.セントラル社を設立。
昭和61年8月 本社を神戸より東京都港区へ移転。
平成3年4月 関係会社御殿山不動産株式会社を吸収合併。
平成8年2月 本社を港区より品川区へ移転。
平成8年4月 関係会社大同汽船株式会社を吸収合併。内・外航を合わせ持つ総合海運会社としてスタート。
平成9年1月 外航船についてのISMcode適合証書(DOC)を日本海事協会より取得。
平成13年5月 内航タンカーについてISMcode適合証書(DOC)を日本海事協会より取得。
平成15年6月 本社を品川区より港区へ移転。
平成20年8月 本社を港区の現住所へ移転。

 History of company

May. 1929 Mr.Shukichi Tamai founded Chugai Shosen Kaisha, Ltd.
Mar. 1932 Mr.Tamai founded Tamai Steamship Co.,Ltd. to absorb the earlier company.
  This was one of the leading medium-sized shipping companies in Japan, owning seven vessels with an aggregate tonnage of 51,000 DWT in 1940. All Japanese vessels were requisitioned by the government and almost all of them were lost during the World War U. In 1950 the shipping business was once again restored to the private sector. The government began to promote the expantion of the shipping business by the subsidizing shipbuilding programs. Our company utilized all these opportunities so as to increase the size of our fleet and rebuild our business.
Aug. 1959 Entered into tie-up with Nippon Light Metal Company, Ltd. and assumed the responsibility of transporting a major portion of it’s marine cargoes, and started to transport it’s Bauxite; law material of Aluminium
Apr. 1964 Became a member of a group sponsored by the government, of which the nucleus was the Y.S.Line and since then we have built many co-ownership vessels with them.
May. 1978 Established T.S.Central Shipping Co., Ltd. Liberia to charter out and to own vessels.
Aug. 1986 Moved head office from Kobe to Tokyo.
Apr. 1991 Absorbed our related Gotenyama Real Estate Company to diversify in a new field in the area of real estate.
Feb. 1996 Moved head office from Minato-ku to Shinagawa-ku.
Apr. 1996 Absorbed our related Daido Kisen Company which was a coastal shipping company to become an all round shipping company.
Jan. 1997 Obtained DOC for ocean going bulk carriers from ClassNK.
May. 2001 Obtained DOC for coastal tankers from ClassNK.
Jun. 2003 Moved head office from Shinagawa-ku to Minato-ku.
Aug. 2008 Moved head office to current location.